WEEK 101 Chapter Closing - Oh man, here I come...

WEEK 101 July 8,2019 Mauri Well I never thought this time would come. I complete 2 years of serving the Lord on Thursday. Words cannot describe the things that I've learned on my mission in this beautiful country, Kiribati. I have grown so much and will miss these wonderful wonderful people of Kiribati. I will miss the language, the culture, the people, the fish, seeing the ocean 24/7, and most of all the Lords work here in Kiribati. Kiribati is so close to having a temple. ti teutana riki(just a little more). I can't lie, I'm excited as heck to come home to see family and friends, but will truly miss my brown families here. They have changed me into a better person. I would like to say that I've been humbled. The new mission president came arana President Foster. He's AMERICAN! I'm sure he will do a great job like President and Sister Larkin. Anyways, that's just a little update for now. I'll tell ya the rest to ur fac...