WEEK 31 Still on Nikunau-going to Nonouti-branch president-Nikunau accent-HOT days ahead
Hey hey! I'm on Nikunau still. I fly back to Tarawa on the 5th (March), this coming Monday morning. When I'm there I will try and Skype! So if you can create a Skype or whatever for me and then send me my login and password that would be awesome.. I don't know when exactly I'll Skype but I will see what I can do. It's my Christmas Skype! SO I don't know how long I'll be on Tarawa, but when I'm there I buy stuff and prepare for going outie island again.. I'll probably be on Tarawa for a day or two, then I fly out to Nonouti. Nonouti is where all those people died from the ferry boat. So I think I'm in for an adventure with the work. Also I'm going to be senior companion hahahaha holy cow I'm not ready hahaha I'm so dead haha.. my companion is not brand new, but he is newer than me. So I'm the senior companion, which means I am branch president conducting 5 different churches in one Sunday. We go t...