WEEK 35 My 19th BIRTHDAY-transferred Monday, RS Picnic
March 27, 2018 Tuesday Ahhh nice! I and just got another surprising message from the ap's. Me and my companion are flying off this Monday. I have no clue why so we are super confused and are trying to figure things out right now. Kinda nervous why I'm coming in too. I didn't do anything wrong, and I don't know why we would both come off because having two NEW elders out on an outer island is bad because they don't know our investigators. The ap's told us they will tell us what is going on when we get to Tarawa. So we will see, maybe someone died, we have no idea. Yesterday March 28, 2-18 Wednesday, I received these great pictures from his 'MOM', Neigaan living on the outer island of Nikunau. Kindly, Neigaan celebrated Elder Bowen's birthday in style and what a wonderful sweet feeling I now have for this dear sister making Elder Bowen feel special! They were also having a Relief Society PICNIC a couple of days l...