WEEK 57 Fishing - biking tons - being obedient
Hey hey! Mauri! We just got back from fishing! We caught a ton! We traveled up central and met up with the North Elders at this members house and then went ocean side. We fished when it's low tide just like on the coral with line, a hook, and a stick. I know all the fishes names in Kiribati but not in English so I can't really explain what they were exactly. I like to think I'm a bit of a fisherman. hahah. Towards the end the waves started getting too big so we started coming back. On the way back there were tons of eels, and it's super fun trying to kill them and throw rocks at them before they bite you. Also they taste really good. But if they bite you, RIP haha. Luckily we killed one! While doing so, there were a couple of puffer fish that some kid got that went with us!! We got like 2. they look so cool and just really fat. When i was getting some pictures I dropped it on the sand on accident and then the members dog swooped in and took it, and ate it....