WEEK 13 Being Transferred to Nikunau - Zone conference

Elder Bowen had very little time to write this week so I am sharing his short email he sent to me (mom):

Sweet! Right now I am in Betio on the island of Tarawa. A new intake just came in, so I don't have my trainer anymore. Last week they announced transfers and I'm getting transferred to Nikunau which is on the other side of the equator.  It's a hecka outer island within the Kiribati Islands. The island is awesome Elders say and it's one of the islands everyone wants to go to.. the way natives talk on the island is they swing their tone of their voice. It's hard to explain, but it's like they sing when they talk. It's like their accent. It sounds like really funny. SO I'm probably going to get the accent. My backup trainer is already out there, I understand he is this hecka black guy from Papua, New Guinea but he's super cool. I'm excited to have a cool comp! But right now I'm working with a guy named Elder Songapolu.. He takes a lot of patience holy crap.. but I am working here in Betio for 3 weeks because there are no flights to get out to Nikunau. I'm kinda in a weird situation and we don't really have our own area to work, so basically we just tract all day.  When I get out there it will be awesome.. the island has the most flies and mosquitos so we will sleep under nets.  Sorry no pictures and I have some really cool ones.  The computer has a virus to I am looking for another one.
                                       Zone Conference (look who got the bag of extra rolls!)

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