WEEK 23 New Year-net sleeping-baptisms-bike riding-killed pig for party

Hey hey!!! Christmas looked like it was awesome!! It was pretty good over here too. Me and my companion planned a picnic to celebrate Christmas with the members. Way fun as we played volleyball and Sorry(the board game that's really popular here where they draw on like cardboard
the game haha) Then they chopped down a bush from the jungle and called it the Christmas tree haha.
Happy birthday Kaden!!
eng, koaua koaua yes true true. Some of the rules that we have here are hard to follow. For example, I'm on a beautiful island that's very very hot and all I want to do sometimes is go swimming... I want to so bad.. but I can't because that's a big rule!
My companion is getting transferred I think this next coming transfer and I'm
looking forward to meeting another.
I'm teaching kids how to juggle and backflips, it's way fun!  Now that my stomach is use to the foods I've been pretty healthy. Sometimes we eat like 4 to 5 times a day, because the culture is if someone visits you, you have to give them drink and food.  Sometimes you have to eat when you really don't want to eat.. There is a lot of things here where you just have to "man up" and just do things.
At night is when the mosquitos come, but we sleep in nets so you usually only get bit a coupe times.
 Sometimes when your biking(we bike around like 6 miles a day on bumpy dirt road.) You have a lot of time to think.. or sing.. holy cow I miss music.. church music is just something else!
I miss toilet paper. I mean my hand is good and everything, but sometimes you eat right after.
The people we live with they feed us and do our wash ahhhh. Then we shower usually in
shorts and its all normal. haaha.
 Also just somethings that happened this week, we dug a well!
I killed a pig-I screamed and stabbed it with a knife in its heart (pigs here are for feasting at parties that night You kill them) holy cow it was crazy. It takes three people, two to hold the pig upside down while the killer stabs it. I had someone take a video as well hahaha too bad I can't send it..
P-days are my favorite days! We have two more baptisms this week!! crazy once they come to church
it's game over.. soon after they will get baptized.
Popular question they ask here is how is they war in America? haha
There are 0 guns in Kiribati and they always ask if I have one.. haha
Some kids are so funny!  We are working all day in the hot sun. We workin hard out here I feel like Moana!
More flies than you can ever imagine on this island. Watched a show on this little tv about this family from Europe who came to Kiribati and tried to live for like a month.. hahaha I think it's a
European show, but if ya'll find it you gotta watch it! Shows a lot about Kiribati.
Anyways internet is about to go out.  Hopefully talk next week.  I'm learning more things than ever.
Good stuff! If u can tell Tanner, Steven, Grant, Logan, and Parkers and
my friends on missions families to tell them that I say what's up!? and send them my love!
love you all, #blessedup
Elder Carballs
