WEEK 26 They Killed huge turtle for food - the dream - baptisms-chicken TRAP!

The email this week will be short because of time.

This week was crazy! They caught the TURTLE!! And it was huge! And pregnant again!
Me and like 5 others killed it for food for the people.  That is what they do here for food which we need. It takes a few to kill.... so the people have to kill it slowly so the meat doesn't get tight and hard. You have to take the bottom of the shell off and open it up, and it's all alive and stuff. The organs could be seen and still moving. Then you cut it all up and take the meat out which took a long time because it was a huge freakin turtle. Then you stab it in one of its hearts, which is in plain sight. Turtles have 3 hearts. Anyways it was way awesome and I took
some sick pictures and videos. 

Also this week we got 2 more baptisms! It was so awesome because it was this older lady and her daughter. When I first got to this island, and when we were biking past her house, I had a feeling to
visit that house. A couple days later we visited her, gave her all the lessons(again, because the first lessons were with Elders in Tarawa) and then she was ready for baptism along with her daughter.  She told us about her dream that she had before we started lessons with her. In her dream it
was two Elders, one super white and the other a little darker(skin color) ..........and then me and my last companion (that's super black) visited her. Super cool stuffs.

We are working really hard out here. Language is still coming slowly but I am trying. People just talk so fast on this island.. but it's cool. The turtle meat was super good. We mostly eat just rice and fish
and octopus, because they are easy to catch. Sometimes we eat shark and chicken. I just learned how to set a chicken trap with a coconut and fishing wire!

Anyways, just a little update for this week. Hope all is well at home. Thanks for the prayers, till next week, tiabo!

Love, Elder Corndog
