WEEK 79 Training again


I got moved to the village right next door. I'm training again for the 4th time. I have done so much training and getting to know my new companions is cool.  We have much work to do together.  He is about as thin as a paper and 6 foot 6 inch tall. 
I moved here and they have 5 investigators and he knew about 3 of them and out of these 5 investigators 2 are kids. I am basically white washing and it's been hard since he doesn't know anyones names or any members and the area book hasn't been touched. We role play I have to wait 5 minutes for him to speak.. its rough!  I must have been the same but he is cool and trying.  I will get to work and help him.  Till next week!

I'm working in Bikenibeu 2nd ward
Elder Bowen

