WEEK 84 Investagators-blessings-motocycles-transfers coming


This week a couple pretty cool this happened.

1) We have been having so many investigators come to church. The work has been booming!
2) One of the families that we are working with is really struggling with money. Sometimes when they don't catch fish they just eat rice. So me and my companion buy cans of ham every now and then. Also for money they have been rolling cigarettes and selling them, and that's the only way they pay for rice.  I told them if they ask for help from the ward, they will get it, and that many blessings come from the church. They were super shy and didn't want to. Somehow they managed to tell the stake president.  So, just yesterday we go to their shack/house and he was super happy because he talked to someone and might be able to get a job at Moroni High School as a security guard! Blessings!  It's been really hard for him because he only has 1 functional arm.

3) Our investigator sat next to some other investigator on the way back from church. I guess one of them was talking about how much the gospel has blessed her life (and she hasn't even been baptized). Anyways, it was way sick.

4)The other one we tracted like 3 weeks ago and has progressed so fast.. Our last lesson was on baptism and I explained how young children don't need baptism because the law of Moses has been fulfilled. I explained and they were like whoa. That makes so much sense. Catholic doesn't make any sense they said.
5) Last night we were going to our District party and on the way there I got hit by a motor cycle. I signed with my hand with the light, and as I was turning this man and women on a motorcyle smashed into my back tire of my bike. I have no idea how I didn't fall in the middle of the street where they crashed into me. It was like something was holding me up so that I couldn't fall. It was way cool. Anyways, I get off the street and look back and they crashed and were laying in the middle of the street. I quickly went to go help them. Helped them get off the road.
They were fine other than a couple scrapes. The lady was like looking at the motorcyle trying to blame me.  But NOPE!  I didn't let her.  The guy was super angry and just drove off. I made sure they were ok, then I left. It was awesome!

6) Transfers are this week. I was told that I will be staying here in my area which I'm cool with because the work is way good now.

Anyways that was my week
tiabo moa!
-Elder Bowen
