WEEK 88 Picture Day

Mauri Mauri!
This week was pretty fun. My companion(big Vanuatu guy)  and I are working hard.

I fasted for these 2 families that I tracted. They both agreed with most lessons and believed everything but never really accepted to be baptized and become a member of the TRUE church. Fortunately after our last lesson yesterday(during my time of fasting) they just finally accepted a real baptismal invitation and 3 of them will be baptized on April 20 th, and 2 more later. So happy for them!
So for anyone that needs some extra love/ some extra blessings from the Big Boss, I suggest fasting!

For my B-Day, it was just a regular day of hard work. Then at the end, a member and a recent  convert that I baptized in my last area made shirts with a picture of the first time my recent convert came to church on the front, and bought a cake at this white person store!! They just called me and told me to go to the store and totally surprised me! They're the best and so nice. Basically every p day we go to their hut and they have like a pyramid of food all ready waiting for me. Such a nice family!
Also we gave a blessing to this sick baby and now it's marurung(healthy).

Work is soo good and we are busy when my comp isnt resting! The other night we missed 2 lessons and almost missed dinner..our dinner was right next to the house. I couldn't wake him up, so I asked the members next to us. T he member was more than happy and walked in the house and kicked him and yelled at him till he woke up haha.  That is some sound sleeping!

Anyways thats basically it this week! hope all is well!


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