WEEK 94-miracle of the spirit, again, and again!

Mauri mauri!
So, this week I had the best lesson I've ever had in my life. I wrote it in detail in my journal, but unfortunately don't have time to type it. I've never seen people get hit so hard by the spirit and change. My companion very briefly wrote a summary of what happened in his email. It was as in 3rd Nephi when the people couldn't deny the words that he spoke. We spoke with so much power and boldness and the spirit did the rest. Anyways here is my companions email to his family: (since I have run out of time)
"Mauri all you guys!
We're doing very good out here. Me and my companion are doing great. I'm working with Elder Bowen! We got a car and we drive around and do a lot of stuff. It's super fun!
Our area has come up from nothin to somethin if you know what I'm saying. ahaha
We had a super cool lesson with this one guy who is like a missionary for the Muslim church. They were really cool and he wants us to come back another time and his whole family will listen. He really understood the message of the restoration and wants to hear more!!!!
But that's not the best part. We have 2 baptismal dates now and they are both set for the 1st of June!!! One we call our grandma! haha she loves to be called grandma and we teach her and she just understands everything. One question we asked her was "what is faith to you?" she said "Is it like where you hope for something that you can't see but you know it's there?" We both just looked at each other like "what the heck, she's so dang smart!!!!!!"
But that's still not he best part!
The other day on the 15th of May we had the best lessons that me and Elder Bowen have ever had on our missions. The kind of spirit that was there was insane. We first showed up and it seemed like it was going to be a disaster. They weren't even going to let us into the house but then this guy came around the corner and let us in and set out a kie for us. The chick from outside told him to welcome us. Then everything fell into place. Somehow, everyone came and sat down and there were like 6 people there. Then we taught the restoration. We didn't even know what the heck was happening. The spirit was so strong and was talking through us. At the end the family just was astonished. They all felt the spirit that was there. This old woman told us she hated us before but the spirit she felt was like a wind that hit her!!! They were so touched that they even asked what time our church was at. They said that they wanted to go to our church. It was soooo cool. "
The end

Tekeraoi ngkami!
Elder Bowen
