WEEK 3 Fasting - gained weight - prayer works!

Kam mauri ngkami(Hello everyone)!

Another week just flew by! The days can sometimes be slow and long trying to learn the language like 6 hrs a day but then looking back it feels like I've been here like a couple days. Like the weeks literally just fly by, it's nuts. Anyways, the language is still crazy hard to learn, but I'm working on it. We have had to teach a few lessons in Kiribati "Kidibas" already which have been rough. My companion is a cool white guy that also speaks fluent Chinese, so he is pretty good at learning languages. He's much better at the language then me which is nice because he can help me. We had our first TRC's last night which is basically just meeting or like a FHE with a member and giving them a lesson. They are super cool except for the fact that they are in Kiribati and I have no clue what my companion and the member are saying like the whole time. Then when it's my turn to teach I just read from the book and then bare my testimony. In one of the TRC's I bore my testimony and the spirit was so freakin strong it was nuts.. but yea the language is truly a struggle. I've come to notice that if I wasn't having the gift of tongues I really have to work hard for it..

Everyone that's going to Kiribati is so cool, well most of us.. there are 12 missionaries going to Kiribati learning Kiribati language. We are all white except for one dude from Hawaii.  So we have 2 different dorms. There is this one x military dude and he is very very by the book, and in my dorm. We have the coolest guys ever, and we all love to mess with him. His reactions can be so funny, it makes me cry laughing sometimes. In the cafeteria if you don't push in your chair he will kick it and start like yelling and stuff, it's hilarious. And last night, I guess he had like a kink in his neck and he was super super grump.. we knocked on his dorm of course at like 10:35 and he came back yelling at us ahahahahaha it was soooo funny.

The food is pretty decent here. We have 3 meals a day and every single meal me and this other elder have a competition of who can eat the most. We are both pretty competitive so we basically just shove our faces until it hurts. It's super fun and I love it. Doing this I've gained 8lbs in two weeks which is legit. I've been trying to get fat for so long, and now my body is coming along nicely. When I get to Kiribati all they eat is fish and rice which is a lot of protein so I'm gonna get ripped.

We have 3 teachers (RM from Kiribati islands) and they are all super cool. Like they're ballers like me and the elders in my dorm. They show us pictures and talk about super cool stories from Kiribati and are also really good at teaching the language. One of them was telling us a story of them on an outer island( there is one main island and like 18 other outer islands) and like a certain part of the day or night or whenever a TON of crabs come out and they have a competition to see who can run over the most crabs hahahaha.

I built a hammock out of bed sheets in between two beds which was super comfy. Then this thick boy got on there and it ripped and he fell so hard. I don't think I've ever laughed as hard here at the MTC. Then some of the elders bought a real hammock and set it up above their beds which it dope.

Twice a week our whole floor sings these legit cultural songs. Sometimes the mission branch president comes and sings with us and then after, gives each of us hugs goodnight. He's a super cool old dude. There's a lot of big Samoan dudes and we work out every night before bed. Some of them are massive, especially this elder named "big coconuts" hahahaha

Last Sunday was fast Sunday and I actually fasted for the first time and I thought I was going to die because my stomach was so large from eating so much food. Also I was a little sick with a sore throat and it was very difficult not to get any water from the water fountain or eat like a cough drop or something. I fasted  for good health and the language. The next day I wasn't sick, which was baller status, but unfortunately I wasn't fluent in the language.. but thats all good.

I've absolutely loved all of the packages and letters that I have gotten. Like the brownies, the dear elder packages filled with goodies, the package with my basketball shoes, sport shorts and the treats and pictures and belt have been awesome, also the Robertson's delicious Krispy Kreme that they delivered, and any other delivery/letters/emails have been super awesome. You guys are all the best! I definitely miss you guys and the luxuries! Love y'all, Sabo!!
Elder Carson Bowen

Packing up my California Boy
                                       Familiar face from Clovis-Caitlyn Little who works at MTC
