WEEK 15 Mauri!! Cool Experience - Transferred this week

Hey Hey! So I actually leave and fly out this week due to complications with flights. I just found out that the island I will be on does have internet but it sometimes works so we will see. Every night we have dinner at peoples houses and it's awesome because you can just eat as much as possible so let see if that changes when I am transferred. So I have actually been gaining weight because my body is use to the food and stuff. The food is pretty good. Lots of rice, bread fruit, and fish. I didn't like the bread fruit at first but now I love it. The fish is sooo  good when its cooked. Usually really fresh too. I actually get to meet my companion that I'm going to have in a couple days in Nikunau because he is flying in for mission tour. Then after mission tour we fly to Nikunau together. Apparently he is really good at the language and will help me a lot. Also I'm gonna get lots of gifts too like kias(mats we sleep on) and stuff! and the members are awesome!

The other day I ate dried sand worms, dried fish, and octopus. Octopus and dried fish are pretty good, then the dried worm tastes like nothing and is hard to eat.

I'm doing good. Very excited to meet my new comp. Also these Nike pants are beautiful. Everyone wants to trade stuff for them. Everything that you packed and helped me get, thank you. I use a lot of it and its very helpful! Like a laundry basket and stuff like that.
Last p day we made fishing wire hammocks. The hammock is literally made out of this fishing wire, it's pretty cool.
 In the next package that you send can you plz send like a small picture book with awesome pics in it. not like a big book, but something small and that I can carry in backpack, because people here like to see family, friends, and hobbies, and stuff. It's culture and its pretty fun. And maybe a tie or two.. if not it's totally good, I'll be ok without.

Oh yeah, in this new area I'm pretty sure we just shower in ocean. We don't here in Betio because we have a house and just shower with a bucket and cup. So I'm excited for that because the ocean feels super good. It's not warm like Florida or not cold like California.. it's just like a little cool and feels really good.

Oh yea, I had a super cool experience with a family.  Their daughter just drowned in the ocean because of this drunk guy.  So, we went over and shared the Plan of Salvation that night with the dad and with the dead body right next to us.  Super cool experience.
Anyways thanks for everything! Miss you guys a ton. I miss going on adventures with friends and church leaders, boating, snowboarding, mountain biking and all of it. But it's ok, because this is a new little adventure!

love, Elder Carson
