WEEK 20 Carson is ALIVE!!! two short emails....

First email:
Maaauuuurrriii!!! I'm still alive!!! on Nikunau (where I'm at) there is
internet but it never works, but it's working a little bit right now.
anyways its crazy out here. We live in a hut, poop in a hole in the
ground or on the beach, wipe with hands/leaves, eat mostly fish,
rice and coconut, the members are awesome, the people are way hard to
understand, are in the jungle all the time, and a ton more. I am the
only white person on this island which is a weird feeling sometimes.
anyways I'm gonna send this and see if it sends.
Second email:
Happy late birthday!!! sorry it's really hard to communicate here.. I
sent a little email already just to let u know that I'm alive.. next
week I will try and email again! love and miss you guys! hope all is
well!! love carson
ps the living conditions out here are very rough, but it's fun. peace!!

hey hey!! I'm interneting for a little today because it's actually working.
We have like no contact with the outside world.. we are literally off
the grid.. We don't know transfers or anything.. if we get transferred
out here someone will just give you a plane ticket hahah and to send in
our stats for the week we have to use the one radio that's on this
island.  It hardly ever works. Sometimes this island runs out of
flour and rice(what we usually eat) but it hasn't happened yet. We eat
a lot of canned meats too. The other day I was looking through my pics
with this little kid and it was a pic of me with an orange that I
bought on Tarawa. The little kid was like woooooooaaaahhh
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm and was so shocked and surprised and jealous because it's way hard to get fruit in Kiribati. Just made me think of how blessed
America is..

 Anyways ya I'm the only white guy on this island and sometimes it
really sucks because I can't make jokes and be myself because nobody understands
anything, including my comp who is from Vanuatu idk how to spell
it.. anyways its rough out here.. but I can take it because I'm a savage. I'm
learning to be more savage too. I've been carrying around my machete
on my bike everywhere I go because sometimes you need it.
As I said it's crazy out here. Wild pigs, chickens, dogs, cats, and like
everything.. Last night we had to catch this pig and bring it back to
our village for when we have a party. Language is coming more and
more. It's still rough though. I thought the gift of tongues would just
come, but nah.. you really gotta work for that crap. This island is the
hottest of all islands. The sun is very very hot. If I could send a
picture I would show you that I am not black as well.. I feel like the dude
on benchwarmers who is afraid of the sun.. but since your wet from sweat
24/7 including the nights when u sleep, you learn to just not care.. because
you have no control.
Anyways this island (Nikunau) is legit. I ride my bike through the
jungle from lesson to lesson. It's a freakin ton of biking, but yet
again remember I'm a savage and can take it.
I really miss America and the world. I have no clue what's going on..
when I was working in Betio (bottom part of Tarawa)  I had a little
taste oft the outside world, but here.. nothin.
Hope all is well. I think about ya'll everyday. Some days it just sucks
poo and some days awesome. The days are pretty long, but when I look
back at the weeks it goes by fast.
I got some crazy stories to tell when I get home. When I face time
which might not be for a while because I can't do it on this island and I'm
probably gonna be here for like 4 months, but when I get to Tarawa I'll
face time and tell ya'll some more stuffs.
Stay legit. Enjoy America aka the promised land aka the best and most
blessed country in the world. Till I email again, love/ peace out,
tiabo ingkami, Carson

-heres a little of the language
i taku bwa america bon the tabu ae nung kakabaiaki. kam nung tamerua.
i tangiria te mwakuri ikai ao te aomata ikai naba.
basically keep ballin out
