WEEK 28 Sad ferry tragedy-been sick-new Prophet? Literally no contact with outside world here!

hey hey! Ah I miss the temple! Crazy sad what happened to those
people on the ferry (88 of them with 22 kids)  They were taking them to Tarawa to school.  Only 5 found..... really sad as members died.  President Larkin is headed there next week to comfort families.  I hope he can help those people.  There are lots of sharks that come out at
night in those waters.. that must have been scary!

We just found out like 2 days ago that the prophet died. What the heck. We just found out. We literally have no contact with outside world here. Russell M Nelson tho.. thats tight. He's awesome and a genius.

(Mom offers to send package)
oooooohhhh packages are always nice! I really don't need anything, but since u asked I could use some deodorant the wet kind.  They don't have any deodorant in Kiribati. They believe in the natural sweaty body scent mmmm yummy.

I don't know when transfers are.  Out here you literally have no idea what's going on. I just got an email that said they are coming up (President Larkin) but we don't know when.

My companions cool and we are getting good work done.  We have a baptism this week for Borita which means promise(the names are so funny here, they just choose like a random word to name their kids here). Super happy about Borita.. he changed.  super happy about that black guy!

The members are incredible.  I got pretty sick this week from some old octopus. One night I threw up at one of our dinners hahaha that was fun haha. But yea I'm just recovering now which is good. When I get sick everyone finds out and tries to help, it's crazy.

The lady with the dream her name is Taabati(which means Sunday) and that was an awesome dream. Kiribati people have lots of dreams for some reason, I don't know why.

This island(Nikunau) gets hardly any rain. It hasn't rained here in like a month. We have no rain water to drink. So we have to get water from a well and boil it. It rains a lot on other islands tho.
It gets super hot and  humid when it rains.

Monday is our Pday and is the best time to email me but we email whatever day we can, once a week.
Fishing is really fun and yea we have caught a couple chickens.. I'm way good at skinning them!

We got a puppy that we found from the jungle. There are so many dogs, cats,  pigs, and rats that run around.... and chickens.

On Sunday we went to church and on the way we saw a hanging dead dog dangling from KPC church.. hahaha so random..

Anyways I'm doing good now.  Now we are going to go to the plane
airport. Basically just a run way and a stick house as big as my room
at home because my companion broke the crap out of his bike.

Anyways tiabo till next week! -Carla
