WEEK 34 no transfer!

March 20

Elder Bowen updated he is no longer being transferred to Nonouti. For the third time he packed his bags, weighed them, bought a plane ticket and waited out on the hot dirt runway to greet the oncoming plane.  Often times things do not work out the way we expect and Carson certainly experienced disappointment once again as there was no missionary that stepped off the plane.  He can not leave his companion alone on the island so he could not use his plane ticket and get onto the little plane.  Frustrated, he received an email from the aps informing him he was no longer being transferred off the island and that he was to remain there.  Elder Bowen has expressed such gratitude and love for the people on the island but feeling awkward after two going away parties to now be given the information of staying was a little hard to swallow.  The Lords will over Our will can be a challenging lesson, however, after 3 attempts to exit the island following transfer directions he will continue to press forward to discovered why Heavenly Father wants him to remain on the island and who's life he needs to touch!
