WEEK 37 He made the plane!!! lots to share...

OHHHH HAPPY DAY!!!!!  Elder Bowen made it on the plane from Nikunau to Tarawa with his companion, Elder Ntiua, who is headed home as he has completed his full time mission. 

Carson now that he can easily email shared many things including speaking the language which can sounds kinda like singing or rather his voice that goes high and low as a song.  He is feeling good and has not been sick for several weeks, even says he has become a skinny little boy which we witnessed!!!!  Muscles will come back one day!  The plan is to now stay on Tarawa for a few weeks, then take a new companion back to the island of Nikunau to meet with the now existing 'unit' of the church and open up a 'branch'.  He states this will take a lot of work but he can handle it and the people are ready for it as they just had 11 baptisms.  Currently there are no missionaries on the island until Elder Bowen returns with a companion.

He rolls up pants on the island however, on the big island he just landed on he will need to roll them back down.  On the whole island of Nikunau there is one toilet and it is in the medical hut.  When he emails, often times it take a whole hour for it to be done since such bad connection and wants everyone to know to not forget about him and not to be mad if he doesn't respond to emails but still really wants them as it helps him. 

There is a deaf lady on the island who is teaching Carson sign language and has become a favorite.  They laugh over funny noises they both make.  Last week Carson caught 18 fish since they only eat fish and rice...and yes, the boat showed up with more rice after running out for a week.  He gives the fish to the members and they will prepare them to feed all.

In the picture you will see Carson traveling light, even holding his bed.....a mat!  They adopted a pet dog and named him Bopa.  The only fruit on the island are little bananas but he loves them as they are very sweet he says.  He is happy to be back on the big island for a short time to restock personal items as they are not on the island he was serving on.  He LOVES the members who are so kind to him, LOVES Nikunau, and LOVES his mission!

Pure Happiness, HE MADE IT ON THE PLANE!!!!

He travels light, even carrying HIS OWN BED!!!!!!

Just walking off the plane with other passengers and his companion, Elder Ntiua from Marshall Islands.

His smile when he realized we were on a cell phone!!!!!!! So happy since we haven't seen him live since September as outer islands do not Skype for Christmas.

Gifts from the people!!!
Elder Ntiua, Elder Bowen, and Bill O'Connor who baptized the first member on the island of Nikunau 3 years ago.
