WEEK 57 Fishing - biking tons - being obedient

Hey hey!  Mauri! 

We just got back from fishing! We caught a ton! We traveled up central and met up with the North Elders at this members house and then went ocean side. We fished when it's low tide just like on the coral with line, a hook, and a stick. I know all the fishes names in Kiribati but not in English so I can't really explain what they were exactly. I like to think I'm a bit of a fisherman. hahah. Towards the end the waves started getting too big so we started coming back.  On the way back there were tons of eels, and it's super fun trying to kill them and throw rocks at them before they bite you. Also they taste really good. But if they bite you, RIP haha. Luckily we killed one! While doing so, there were a couple of puffer fish that some kid got that went with us!! We got like 2. they look so cool and just really fat. When i was getting some pictures I dropped it on the sand on accident and then the members dog swooped in and took it, and ate it.  So basically his dog is dead, because they're really poisonous!! I also stabbed myself  with its fin and it's stinging pretty good. I think I'll just pee on it and make everything better.  Then we went back and gave all the fish to the member(who I gave those shoes to before because he's really poor) to feed his family,  then we came here to the restaurant. to email. 

My companion and I are bringing the eel that we got down to our house(south), and we are gonna use it and set up this really heavy line that we got with this wire and huge hook, and set a trap for a shark! Sharks love eels so hopefully we will catch a big freakin shark or a big fish in the morning when we wake up. 

This week there were two baptisms for North Elders. One older lady and one guy that is deaf, and doesn't know any language, so can't read. To communicate with this guy we  used pictures! Anyways we had to bike 2 hours up North so that we could do the baptismal interview for this guy b4 the baptism and for that older lady! It was fun! i basically just pointed at pictures and kinda acted out the questions and gave him a thumbs up and if he gave me a thumbs up and usually yelled a little hahaha. i tried the best i could not to laugh, but I'm not perfect so..my bad hahaha

Before the baptism members in our village were throwing a picnic next to our house by the ocean. It started raining so hard, so all the men plopped their fishing lines in and started fishing. Fishing in the rain is so awesome because the fish can't really see. And they were all swimming and stuff. i was so jealous and wanted to stay and swim and party so bad. Sometimes you just get those times where it's just really hard being a missionary. That was definantly one!  We then had to leave and ride all the way up north in the rain getting soaking wet. But it's all good #obediencebringsblessings

4 Elders are on this island (Abemama) right now until the new intake comes in and gives us more Elders in Kiribati. Until then, us 4 Elders on this huge island will just pound out the work!

My companion Elder Hansen is cool. He only has like 2 more months and is hanging in there with the trunkiness.

As for me, Im workin hard to get  us out the door on time so we can keep this crazy work going with our 35 investigators in our HUGE area. Me and my companion calculated that this last week was over 100 miles on bike.  That's a flipping ton. especially when ur in the blazing sun here on bikes that would be 5 hours in America on very bumpy dirt roads. But everyday we work hard and it's awesome and  I'm loving it. #mcdonalds. Just wish more cargo came here so that we could have food!! Speaking of food, the other night me and my companion were looking for these GIANT coconut crabs by our house so we could eat them. While searching I found 3 chicken eggs!! i haven't cooked them yet, but i definitely will this week when I get hungry again!

Anyways, this week was legit.

Tiabo Ngkami! Tekeraoi ami wiiki!

Elder Bowen
