WEEK 71 Service day - Transfers coming already - Fishin!

Hey Hey!  Today was a pretty good p day. We went to the airport to say goodbye to this one sister missionary. Then, went to this small restaurant. 

We have been waiting to get on these computers for a long time. So now we are on. We are going to go back to the house and clean, and then go fish right outside our house. Pretty chill p day. We decided to not go down to Betio for combined p day just because it's so far.  So far things are going great! This transfer is almost done and it has flown by fast!  Transfers are again this next week and I believe I am staying.

Also with my district I planned a combined service for the 1st. It went way good and you can see the picture. We all cleaned 2 wells, dug big hole, and cleaned trash. Now I'm putting together a musical fireside for the 2nd week(light your community)

Have a great week!

Elder Carson
