WEEK 72 CHICKEN POX (my companion)-we are Quarantined!!! Awful!!!!

This week was awesome with work and people coming unto Christ and stuff, until my companion wakes up with Chicken Pox and the nurse comes over and tells us that the whole house has to stay in the house for max 21 days. True bummer because we all feel fine but could be infected so we can't have any contact with anyone. The work has been going so well and our people have been repenting and preparing themselves for baptism.  Some are ready for baptism but have to wait for us.

So Elder Austin, my companion woke up with a few spots on him and was wondering what they were. I was like "it's fine and will probably be gone tomorrow" just so that we could go work. Then he texts Sister Kirk out nurse, then she came over and checked him out and said yep this is chicken pox and everyone in this house has to stay. We are so board and it's very hard to stay productive because their is nothing to do..

I've been looking forward to going to mission tour(because I haven't been to one in a long time) for a spiritual uplift, but now none of us in this house are allowed to attend. Also, my district and I planned a musical Fireside(to light the community) but it looks like we won't be able to go to that either on the 16th.Hope my companion gets better soon!  

This is probably the hardest time I've had on my mission having to stay in the house with nothing to do, thinking about your people that need you and not being able to do anything about it.. We are all so board and just want to get out so bad. I feel fine and want to work but cant!! President Larkin just flew in from Marshalls and we saw him this morning playing tennis from a distance(first time getting out of the house to do laundry and email at senior couples house) and he looked at us and said "good luck."

I feel like I'm in a very holy prison(the house) next to the beach and can't get out even though I'm perfectly fine/not sick and locked and loaded ready to go!

If you have any ideas to make the time go by please let me know!
I love you all
~Elder Bowen
