WEEK 78 Story time - transfers - language fun!

This week we worked very hard trying to finish the transfer out strong. Our people have been progressing and some are preparing for baptism. I have truly learned that fellowshipping is key in missionary work!
I am sad to be leaving this wonderful area with these amazing members. Some of these people have taught me great life learning lessons to prepare me for what life has yet to dish.

Story time:
One evening we came back to the house so that we could get in language study before our dinner. As we were studying a member came to the house and said" Elders is it ok if you come now?" We asked "how come?" Then he explained that the food was ready and they were just ready to start the party. So we went to the party and ate, gave a spiritual thought/family home evening, then asked if they needed any service. They then asked us to bless their sick baby. So we said "sure no problem!" SO they held the baby and it cried the whole time. After the blessing we shook everyone's hands and said our goodbyes.

We began to ride home(it was about 8pm) and then we heard someone shouting to us as we were riding home on our bikes. Elder Richins and I both had the feeling to turn around, so we quickly did so. We said "whats up?" She responded and said how did you know I was going to be here..she also said that she just got there and she was going to wait in that spot on the road and hope that we would pass bye. We asked "how come?" and she basically said that her son was really sick and needed a blessing. She asked if we were free and I responded "absolutely." Then we went to the house and before we have the blessing to her son we shook his hand and it was on fire. It was very very hot. I told him what I felt. Then we gave the blessing and then talked to them a little bit trying to see if we could help him anymore. Then as we were leaving we shook his hand again. When I shook his hand I held it and I immediately knew that God's power/the priesthood blessed this young man because his hand was not even hot. Not even warm..it felt normal. Then I explained to the family what just happened, told them we loved them and took off to go home. Crazy how everything happened..it's like there is a plan of something from the big boss upstairs ..A plan that is orchestrated by a "divine design."

This is one of many stories that I have had on my mission that has confirmed to me that the priesthood is real. It's crazy how powerful the power of God is. I will never fully comprehend the priesthood completely, but I know that it is real and stays with only worthy young men.

Also this last week was stake conference. A member of the 70s came and guess who sat right behind him the whole time on the stand and translated for him, yours truly. That was very hard and you have to be very quick, but is super fun!

Anyways, great transfer. This next one will be even better!
Tekeraoi ngkami!
I tangiringkami!
Carson Bowen
All missionaries are just fine!
